Students looking at map during ClubFest

Student Organization Event Authorization is the process completed prior to hosting an event on or off campus.  This is a requirement for all student organizations that was set in place to work toward making sure events run smoothly.  Events should not be advertised until official approval has been received. Coordination of activities and management of space is essential with the end goal being a safe and successful event.

Events that are not open to the public (i.e. weekly organizational meetings or small recognition ceremonies for group members) do not have to be authorized. However for events that are required to be authorized, it is recommended for organizations hosting large events to submit an application 30-60 days prior to the date of the event.  Small events should be submitted at least 10 business days prior to the date of the event.

Failure to have your organization’s event authorized could result in a loss of privileges and potential loss of recognition. If you are unsure about whether or not your event needs to be authorized, email Event Authorization.  See the information below to help guide the process of authorizing an event or click the button below to be directed directly to the Event Authorization website.

Whether you are a returning or first time user of the Event Authorization System, follow these initial steps to submit your event for authorization.

  1. Complete University Event Authorization Training (for first time users): in the Student Organization Resources Canvas. 
  2. Verify Organizational Membership Make sure you are listed in the Student Organization Database as a member on the roster of the student organization with which you want to submit an application.
  3.  Confirm Space Reservation Reserve the space that you want to use. Note that initially reserving a space does not guarantee your event will be approved to use the space.
  4. Submit an Event Authorization Form Please submit authorization forms 30-60 days prior to event date for larger events, 10 business days prior for smaller events. You will need to log into the University Event Authorization system with your ISU credentials and click the green "+ Add Event" button under the events tab. 
  5. Receive Verification Verify that your student organization’s President, Treasurer, and Adviser have approved the event prior to inquiring about event status updates.
  6. Meet with Event Authorization Committee

Some events may be required to meet with the Event Authorization Committee before approval, but not all. If asked to meet with the Event Authorization Committee, the committee will advise how to proceed from there. Organizations that typically need to meet with the committee are those planning events involving, but not limited to:

  • Animals
  • Anticipated crowds of more than 200 people
  • Concerts
  • Fireworks
  • Runs/walks
  • Theme weeks
  • Youth (participants under age 18)


Before your student organization can proceed with hosting an event, there needs to be a minimum of 5 approvals made. These approvals are made by: President, Treasurer, Adviser, ISU Location Manager, and Event Authorization Committee (additional approvals may be necessary depending on the scope of the event). 

Event Authorization Committee

The Event Authorization Committee is made up of representatives from departments across campus that traditionally work closely with student organizations to plan events and activities.

The Event Authorization Committee:

Faith Guzzo, Student Engagement/Memorial Union  - Committee Chair
Doug Arrowsmith, Recreation Services
Steven Kohtz, Facilities, Planning and Management
Seth Dohrn, Memorial Union Event Management
Cole Knutson, Memorial Union Event Management
David Garsow, Department of Residence
Kurt Beyer, Office of Risk Management
Brooke Lentz, Office of Risk Management
Jessica Spada, ISU Police
Cheryl Lounsberry, ISU Dining
Scott Jarmon, Environmental Health & Safety