A student visiting with an advisor during ClubFest.

Thank You, Advisors

Iowa State University provides students with many opportunities to get involved on campus and in the local community. This page is intended to be a resource for advisors of recognized student or campus organizations at Iowa State University. It includes helpful information for advisors about University policies, procedures and operations to ensure a successful year for your group.

Iowa State's philosophy on advisors

The advisor plays a vital part in the functioning of recognized student and campus organizations at Iowa State University. Frequently, advisors may be asked to:

  • Oversee group activities and events
  • Provide mentoring, direction, and support
  • Communicate Iowa State policies and procedures
  • Assist in the planning and evaluation of programs and events
  • Serve as a cheerleader while recognizing members for outstanding academic achievement and/or programming

Requirements of advisers

Recognized organizations at Iowa State University must have an adviser who is at least a half-time permanent Faculty or Professional & Scientific (P&S) staff member.

  • Graduate Assistants may serve as co-advisers. However, they will not have any authorized signature authority.
  • Organizations may also have more than one Faculty or Professional & Scientific (P&S) staff adviser.
  • For higher risk organizations (as defined by the University) the primary adviser must have demonstrated expertise in the student organization’s mission, objective, or activity, and must be frequently present during the activity to provide proper oversight and supervision.
  • If the advisor OR the organization feels that the relationship is no longer functioning well, Student Engagement can provide assistance in working through any conflict OR the advisor-group relationship can be concluded. Ultimately, however, it is up to each advisor as to how vested and engaged they would like to be within the organization

How to become an advisor

There are three ways that a half-time permanent, full-time faculty or professional staff member may become an advisor at Iowa State University: by assignment, by requesting assignment, or by being requested to serve by a campus or student organization.

  • Assignment: The individual may be assigned to advise a recognized student organization as part of their official job responsibilities.
  • Request Assignment: The individual may request an advisory position for a departmental organization by discussing the opportunity with their immediate supervisor.
  • Be Requested by a Recognized Student or Campus Organization: The individual may approach or be approached by an officer of a group and asked to serve as their advisor.

Adviser's Responsibilities in Recognized Student Organizations

There are a number of responsibilities that advisers assume when working with recognized student organizations on campus. Although this is not an exhaustive list, below are key duties advisers should be prepared to perform. Responsibilities are broken up into categories of general, financial, risk management, and legal responsibilities. 

  • Communicate Policy—Understand university expectations and direct members to appropriate sections of departmental websites and also to items contained in the ISU Policy Library.
  • Encourage Compliance—Understand and abide by the Student Organization Recognition Policy (SORP) and applicable ISU Policies, local, state and federal laws.
  • Uphold Officer Requirements—Intervene when contacted by Student Engagement with concerns regarding officer misconduct or poor academic performance (e.g. the officer falls below a 2.0 cumulative grade point average).
  • Encourage Completion of Appropriate Training—Examples may include: President/Treasurer/Adviser Training, Safe Food 101, Large Passenger Van Training, etc.  

  • The Campus Organizations Accounting Office will update the permissions of each adviser which allows access to the financial information in Workday regarding the financial activity of the organization. This allows the adviser to assist the treasurer and the student organization in financial matters.
  • The adviser must approve all payments. The University's expectation is that the adviser will be aware of the financial status of the organization and not intentionally authorize expenditures that will result in a deficit for the account.
  • Financial Management—The Adviser should encourage budget planning; require or assist organizations in using sound financial management practices as recommended by Campus Organizations Accounting.
  • Due Diligence—The Adviser should determine authorized approvals prior to approving the organization’s expenses.
  • Fundraising—The Adviser should provide guidance for the organization’s fundraising endeavors.
  • Advisers and officers of student organizations do not have legal contract signature authority binding Iowa State University. Please contact the Student Engagement Office to request contracts to be written or approved.
  • The Campus Organizations Accounting Office, 1580J Memorial Union, (294-1633) is available to assist advisers with questions regarding an organization's account.
  • Advisers are strongly urged to deny requests if the expenditure is unclear, the account is/would be overdrawn, or the purchase seems improper or against university policy.(visit Campus Organizations Accounting for more details regarding finances.)

  • Domestic Travel— Advisers are not directly responsible for attending all off-campus trips and activities, but have a responsibility to verify that the travel is in compliance with the Student Organization Travel Policy, the ISU Fleet Safety Policy and procedures related to use of University Vehicles. Student/campus organizations and advisers should be mindful that the use of University vehicles needs to be for ISU business as well as consistent with the mission of the student organization.
  • Event Authorization—Review and participate in approval process for requests to hold events on or off campus. Be knowledgeable of organization’s event planning and attend your organization’s Event Authorization Committee meeting as invited (or send a proxy adviser).
  • Higher Risk Activities—At least one adviser of student organizations that have higher risk activities (as deemed by the university) must have demonstrated expertise in the student organization’s mission, objective or activity and that adviser must be frequently present during the activity to provide proper oversight and supervision.
  • International Travel—Participate in planning and preparation responsibilities for organization’s international travel. Advisers must submit a completed Non-Credit Program form to the Education Abroad Committee and Office of Risk Management at a minimum of six months prior to travel for review and consideration for approval. Accompany and supervise international travel or arrange for authorized adviser proxy.
  • Oversee Activities and Group Events—Help student organizations operate within safe or established parameters through careful planning and execution of activities. Monitor group actions and approve based upon level of appropriateness prior to hosting any on or off campus, public events.
  • Risk producing situations—Recognize that autonomy in decision-making is highly desired by student leaders but that it may need to be curtailed in risk producing situations or in controversial matters. In these instances, the adviser may need to assume a more active role in guiding the organization.
  • Supervision—Demonstrate a heightened sense of responsibility whenever a student organization is traveling abroad, using university vehicles, hosting activities where youth are present, engaging in higher risk activities, or submitting documentation during the event authorization process.

  • Contract Signature Authority—Advisers and officers of student organizations do not have legal contract signature authority binding Iowa State University. All entertainment contracts should be forwarded to the Associate Director of the Memorial Union for Student Engagement for review.
  • Crime Reporting—All ISU employees are required to report crimes. Additionally, all advisers are campus security authorities under the Clery Act and must report incidents to ISU Police. Advisers may be asked to file an incident report if a crime occurs. 
  • Student Conduct—Advisers assist in ensuring the student organization follows all ISU policies concerning inappropriate behavior, including, but not limited to harassment, hazing and discrimination. Refer to Student Code of Conduct.
  • Liability—As an approved adviser to an ISU student organization the adviser is provided personal liability protection by the Iowa Tort Claims Act, Iowa Code Chapter 669 while acting in the scope of their advising responsibilities. The State of Iowa will defend, indemnify, and hold ISU student organization advisers harmless against the tort claim caused by an act or omission of the adviser unless the act or omission of the adviser involves intentional or criminal misconduct, a knowing violation of the law, the transaction from which the adviser derives an improper personal benefit or the adviser does not cooperate with an investigation of the incident or transaction that leads to a claim involving the adviser.
  • Approved advisers are expected to be knowledgeable about federal, state, local laws and university policies and to dissuade organizational officers from activities that seem hazardous or may violate university policies or laws.

Questions regarding risk should be directed to the Office of Risk Management orm@iastate.edu. Legal questions should be directed to  Brett Lohoefener.