Students walking outside during ClubFest

  • At least five members
  • Minimum officer requirements: President, Treasurer, and Organization Adviser (who is at least a half-time permanent employee of Iowa State University)
  • File a constitution online
  • Constitution approved by Student Engagement
  • Operations Manual approved by Student Engagement
  • Compliance Agreement Form

All recognized organizations are required to file the appropriate paperwork with Student Engagement in order to be considered active at Iowa State University. There are two recognition classifications: campus organizations and student organizations. Organizations are classified according to who may serve as the officers and who their primary members are.

Campus Organizations

Campus organizations are voluntary special interest groups organized for educational, scholarship, social, and service purposes. All campus organizations must be recognized by Student Engagement in order to function within the university and exercise the privileges of recognition. Membership is open to university community members (faculty, staff, students, spouses/partners of these persons, and/or retired faculty) and non-university community members (alumni, Ames and surrounding community residents). Non-university community members may participate in the activities of campus organizations and act as voting members, provided at least 50% of voting members belong to the university as defined in this section. The president, treasurer, and adviser, as well as the majority of the officers of a campus organization, must be members of the university community.

Student Organizations

Student organizations are any group whose primary membership consists of students currently enrolled at Iowa State University; formed in order to contribute to the students' personal development; and properly recognized by Student Engagement within the Division of Student Affairs. All student organizations must be recognized by Student Engagement in order to function within the university. The officers of the organization must be students. Membership in a student organization must be mainly composed of students (minimum 80% student membership) and be controlled and directed by students. Non-students may participate in the activities of student organizations as nonvoting members. Officers must be currently enrolled and not on temporary enrollment. Student Organizations are divided into three tier categories below.

The privileges of becoming a recognized student organization at Iowa State University are not extended without careful consideration. Sponsored organizations are those considered critical to the mission and culture of the university and work in partnership with a university department or office. These organizations are inherently linked to the university because of their role in representing Iowa State University or in presenting events of broad appeal that are considered an integral part of the institution. Sponsored organizations routinely present events for the campus and broader community, and typically work in a collaborative relationship with a university department or office. The organization's purpose and effect are to serve a broad segment of the campus community, not just its membership.

Once recognized, the events and activities presented by the organization should accurately and positively reflect the mission and purpose of the university, as well as the rules and standards of the institution. The recognition process requires action by both student leaders and the university. As such, this process creates a mutually beneficial relationship between student organizations and the university.

In addition to the university resources available to all recognized organizations, sponsored organizations shall have:

  • A full-time professional staff or faculty member whose job description designates them as the primary adviser to the sponsored organization in accordance with organization recognition requirements. These advisers are considered experts within the respective organization's area of interest.
  • Routinely presents events of broad appeal for the campus and community. Organization operations and event planning is complex and the majority of the events/programs are university-wide. Sponsored organizations routinely present events for the campus and broader community, and are expected to work closely with the appropriate university department or office in the planning of these events.
  • A close relationship with a university department or office.
  • Support from the university in regard to risk management, liability protection, legal advice, and contract review.
  • In addition to the responsibilities of all recognized organizations, sponsored organizations must also meet the following expectations:
  • Designate a risk management officer or define an officer's responsibilities to be a risk manager and serve as a member of the organization's executive team. This officer is responsible for developing and maintaining an operation manual that is reviewed by the organization annually.
  • Maintain a current Operations Manual. A typical operations manual might include such topics as: event planning timeline, risk management practices, public relations practices, fiscal management practices, evaluation methodology, membership recruitment strategies, and campus contacts and resources.

Because of high complexity, sponsored organizations may receive first priority consideration for:

  • Memorial Union Student office space allocations process
  • Reserving university-wide annual events at the Iowa State Memorial Union and outdoor venues through the event management process.

Sponsored organizations will need to follow appropriate criteria and guidelines from each respective entity to receive these benefits.

Affiliated organizations are those that serve the broad interests of students and the general public, not just its members. They contribute to the mission and culture of the university by routinely presenting events for their members and invited guests. These organizations are often housed within or connected to larger sponsored organizations. However, recognition does not imply Iowa State's endorsement of the purposes of any affiliated student organization or responsibility for any of the activities of the group located on or off university property.

In addition to the university resources available to all recognized organizations, affiliated organizations shall:

  • Select an adviser in cooperation with Student Engagement and in accordance with Organization Recognition Requirements.
  • If connected with a sponsored organization, comply with any rules, procedures, and expectations established by that sponsored organization.
  • Receive support from the university in regard to risk management, liability protection, legal advice, and contract review.

Because of their broad impact, affiliated organizations may receive second priority consideration for:

  • Memorial Union Student office space allocations process 
  • Reserving university-wide annual events at the Iowa State Memorial Union and outdoor venues through the event management process.

Affiliated organizations will need to follow appropriate criteria and guidelines from each respective entity to receive these benefits.

Registered organizations are those that are consistent with the mission and culture of the university and primarily engage in activities that benefit their membership. These organizations are primarily interest groups capable of functioning with minimal support. The university recognizes but does not support or endorse the purposes of these registered organizations.

In addition to the university resources available to all recognized organizations, registered organizations shall:

  • Select an adviser in cooperation with Student Engagement and in accordance with organization recognition requirements.
  • If connected with a sponsored or affiliated organization, comply with any rules, procedures, and expectations established by that sponsored and/or affiliated organization.
  • Receive limited support from the university in regard to risk management and insurance protection.
  • Receive no support from the university in regards to liability protection, legal advice, and contract review unless the organization is planning to host/sponsor an event that will require approval by the Event Authorization Committee. University resources will be available in relation to such an event.

Registered organizations may receive third priority consideration for:

  • Memorial Union Student office space allocations process 
  • Reserving university-wide annual events at the Iowa State Memorial Union and outdoor venues through the event management process.

Registered organizations will need to follow appropriate criteria and guidelines from each respective entity to receive these benefits.

Benefits of Recognition

Recognition is a process where organizations become officially sanctioned and acknowledged by the university. Recognition is administered on an annual basis to over 800 organizations on campus.  Recognition allows organizations access to meeting space, equipment, and services.  Many privileges come from being a recognized campus or student organization at Iowa State University. These benefits are not available to unrecognized organizations or groups of individual students. Once an organization becomes recognized, the following privileges and benefits are available:

Some university equipment and services may involve charges. Benefits are not available to all recognized organizations because of additional criteria and restrictions that may be imposed by the respective entity. 

Student Organization Recognition Board (SORB)

The Student Organization Recognition Board manages and maintains the recognition process for existing student and campus organizations.  It also reviews and recognizes new organizations, assigning them to one of three tiers. The SORB consists of active student leaders from a wide variety of recognized student organizations in addition to staff from Student Engagement, The Office of Risk Management, Student Government, and Recreation Services. SORB meets bi-weekly and looks for students from a variety of backgrounds with current experience leading student organizations. If you are interested in becoming a part of the SORB, please fill out our application.

Meeting with SORB

Before your meeting with the SORB, all new student organizations must have an approved constitution uploaded to the Student Organization Database and a current compliance agreement form submitted to Student Engagement.  Organizations must also have 5 members: a President, Treasurer and Adviser, and meet with the Student Organizations Coordinator prior to being invited to attend a SORB meeting.

In your meeting, you will be asked to inform the committee about:

  • The mission of the organization
  • Idea and purpose behind the organization's creation
  • Anticipated activities and events of the organization
  • Affiliations, interests, collaborations, and funding

After the above points have been addressed, the committee will ask clarification questions and provide feedback. Following the meeting, the committee will deliberate and follow up with a final decision via email.