Event Funding Board

The Student Organization Event Funding Board offers recognized student organizations an opportunity to receive funds for events throughout the academic year (fall and spring semesters only). The goal of this funding is to provide support for a wide breadth of student organizations to plan and execute events that are of broad appeal or fill a specific need.

Recognized student organizations have access to several funding sources. In addition to the Event Funding Board and the resources on Student Engagement's Canvas, your organization may be eligible for funding through college councils, a national organization, or other sources. If you have questions, please contact Student Engagement at stuorgs@iastate.edu.

You must complete the Post-Event Report within 30 days of your event. Failure to complete this report will result in forfeiture of the allocated funding. Extensions may be granted at the discretion of the Event Funding Board. Email eventfunds@iastate.edu to make a request.

  • Events fundraising seed money (i.e. raising funds for your org’s operating expenses; not for outside charities)
  • Entertainment events
  • Academic showcases
  • Recruitment events
  • Recreation/athletic events
  • Community service programs

  • Brand new event ideas
  • Events with significant enhancements to previous years
  • Events with potential to attract a broad cross-section of the student body
  • Events hosted by multiple collaborating student organizations
  • Events with matching funds included in the budget

  • Proposal submission deadlines are the last Monday of every month. Event submitted in December will not be reviewed until the end of January. Please submit at least 5 weeks before your event date, excluding any University breaks.
  • All proposals must include a completed event budget.
  • Funding requests must be received before the monthly deadline, which is at least 5 weeks before the event date.  
  • Funding is contingent on approval from the Event Authorization process.
  • If your org may be asked to meet with the board to discuss your proposal. 
  • If your org is requesting $1,500 or more, you will be asked to meet with board to discuss your proposal.
  • Student organizations can apply for a maximum of $7,500.
  • You cannot save an application once it has been started. Gather all of your materials before starting your submission. View a list of submission questions.